From Carina Bois
Video tutorial showing how to record a voiceover to PowerPoint slides. Sign up for our blended learning toolkit here https://ki.instructure.com/courses/22441/ -
From Carina Bois
This film is part of the Designing blended learning toolkit. https://ki.instructure.com/courses/22441 -
From Carina Bois
This video is part of the blended learning design toolkit.https://ki.instructure.com/courses/22441 -
From Carina Bois
Based on and with permission: How to Create Education Videos | Micro-Lecture Chris Tuffnell BLADE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMM819UB3ac Community of Inquiry… -
From Carina Bois
This video shows how you embed Mentimeter and Padlet into Canvas pages. Padlet guide Padlet i Canvas: Canvasmanualer för KI (instructure.com) -
From Carina Bois
References: link to the page https://ki.instructure.com/courses/192/pages/references-for-video-recordings-edtech -
From Carina Bois
In this video you will see how to use the Mentimeter add-in directly into PowerPoint using your KI login (SSO). -
From Carina Bois
Carina Bois shows a few examples of how to use Padlet and Mentimeter as a complement to course rooms in Canvas. NB! December 2023 Mentimeter updated the placing of the… -
From Carina Bois
A basic introduction to using Mentimeter at Karolinska Institutet. Mentimeter is an easy-to-use tool for online voting and interactive, engaging sessions. You can either… -
From Carina Bois
This video shows you how to upload a video to OneDrive and then how to generate automatic captions via OneDrive. The video then shows you how to edit the captions before… -
From Carina Bois
Visning av hur du skapar undertexter med hjälp av OneDrive Stream och publicerar undertexterna till KI Play (även My Media Canvas) -
From Henrika Florén
Genomgång av InteDashboard från 2023-10-06. (Inspelningen från zoom är inte redigerad). Detta är inte en egentlig kurs utan en yta för… -
From Carina Bois
Kom igång med Mentimeter (KI introduktion) - för KI lärare, så här gör du för att skapa en ny Mentimeter presentation men snabb… -
From Samuel Lundberg
COMPILATION OF FOUR INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS REGARDING HYBRID SETUP FOR ZOOMPlease see respektive video description for more details.AV system1. Press… -
From Samuel Lundberg
Lärosalar som är rustade med Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) medger att hybrid undervisning kan utföras i rummet förutsatt att en egen dator med…