The conversation revolves around the theme of the human dimensions of education. Cecilia Forssman discusses her reasons for participating in the Education Congress and the importance of networking and learning from colleagues. They also discuss the mix of presentations, posters, and workshops at the Congress and the value of different formats. Cecilia highlights the relevance of the theme in her work, particularly in relation to AI and the crucial role of human dimensions in education. The conversation ends with a friendly exchange.
Participating in conferences like the Education Congress provides opportunities to meet colleagues, learn new insights, and attend interesting seminars and lectures.
The mix of presentations, posters, and workshops at conferences can create a dynamic and inspirational environment.
The human dimensions of education are crucial, especially in the context of AI and the development of education.
Networking and exchanging perspectives with colleagues from different universities can contribute to improving education.
education, Education Congress, networking, research, perspectives, human dimensions, AI
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