Global conversation on sustainable health - the role of academia in navigating the climate crises and health nexus 29th may 2024
From Johanna Blomgren
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From Johanna Blomgren
Warmly Welcome to the next Global Conversations on Sustainable Health -The Role of Academia in Navigating the Health and Climate Crisis Nexus
Date: Wednesday 29th May 2024
The health impacts of the climate crisis demand urgent yet deliberate action. Most professionals making crucial decisions regarding these challenges have or will have an academic degree. So, how is academia innovating itself to provide relevant training for future professionals to manage these challenges? To what extent are we rethinking our ways of teaching? What works and what does not?
Join us for a critical conversation featuring senior health researchers, university climate change leaders, and student representatives from Germany, Sweden, and Uganda.
The seminar is organised by the Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Health and the Charité Center for Global Health