Search for tag: "tuberculosis"

Implementing active tuberculosis case-finding in Nepal and Vietnam

NEW! Two studies on the implementation of active tuberculosis case-finding in Nepal ( and Vietnam ( as part of IMPACT TB.

From  Olivia Biermann 26 plays 0  

‘A double-edged sword’: Perceived benefits and harms of active case-finding for people with presumptive tuberculosis and communities

BackgroundActive case-finding (ACF), also referred to as community-based tuberculosis screening, is a component of the World Health Organization’s End TB Strategy. ACF has potential benefits…

From  Olivia Biermann 89 plays 0  

New publication about community-based TB screening policies in 30 high-burden countries

Active case-finding policy development, implementation and scale-up in high-burden countries: A mixed-methods survey with National Tuberculosis Programme managers and document review. Biermann O,…

From  Olivia Biermann 50 plays 0  

First author Olivia Biermann about her publication in BMJ Open on tuberculosis health policies

Olivia Biermann, PhD student at the Department of Global Public Health talks about the publication “Power plays plus push”: Experts’ insights into the development and…

From  Ida Monstedt 40 plays 0