Search for tag: "global health"

Cholera Water Testing - Sample Detection

Cholera is a potentially fatal diarrhoeal disease that is transmitted between humans and by the consumption of water and food contaminated with Vibrio cholerae (V. cholerae) bacteria. It is globally…

From  Giulia Gaudenzi 0 plays 0  

Cholera Water Testing - Sample Collection

Cholera is a potentially fatal diarrhoeal disease that is transmitted between humans and by the consumption of water and food contaminated with Vibrio cholerae (V. cholerae) bacteria. It is globally…

From  Giulia Gaudenzi 2 plays 0  

Convergence on Global Health - Joint action with reference to the new EU Global Health Strategy

A half-day seminar organised by Karolinska Institutet in the context of the Swedish Presidency of the Council of the EU in dialogue with the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and the…

From  Johanna Bylund 107 plays 0  

Rosling seminar: Our planet, our health – an intergenerational dialogue

The World Health Organization and KI arrange an annual seminar with the aim of continuing the work in Rosling's spirit for fact-based decisions, the belief that change is possible and with the…

From  Emma Hägg 30 plays 0  

Meet project lead team memebr Irene Wanyana

Irene Wanyana is a project lead team member for the Building Capacity for Sustainable Development in Fragile States (SDGCap) project within the Centre of Exellence for Sustainable Health. In this…

From  Miriam Mosesson 2 plays 0  

Doctoral Thesis: Reza Rasti

Thesis title: 'Point-of-care diagnostics of childhood central nervous system infections, with a focus on usability in low-resource settings'. OpponentPhilippa Musoke, Professor, Department…

From  Miriam Mosesson 32 plays 0  

KI-WHO Rosling Seminar October 6, 2021

Recording of the joint Rosling seminar, Health Equity, and Pandemics – a Moonshot for Sustainable Health, with the World Health Organization (WHO) and Karolinska Institutet (KI).

From  Amanda Nelzén 346 plays 0  

SPARKS Network (Health and Social protection Action Research and Knowledge Sharing)

SPARKS is an international interdisciplinary research network. SPARKS Network Members are located all over the world and come from 22 different countries and 27 organisations. Our research is linked…

From  Beatrice Wangari Kirubi 14 plays 0  

New publication about community-based TB screening policies in 30 high-burden countries

Active case-finding policy development, implementation and scale-up in high-burden countries: A mixed-methods survey with National Tuberculosis Programme managers and document review. Biermann O,…

From  Olivia Biermann 50 plays 0  

Health and Wealth with Gapminder Tools

Instruction film to use Gapminder Tools.

From  Thomas Nixon 16 plays 0  

Intervju med Teppo Särkämö från Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU), University of Helsinki December 17:e 2019

Denna Intervju med Teppo Särkämö från Cognitive Brain Research Unit (CBRU), University of Helsinki kom efter föreläsningen vid nobel forum i serien Brain and Culture.

From  John Sennett 87 plays 0  

Teppo Särkämö Brain and Culture Lecture December 17th at Nobel Forum: Deficits and rehabilitative use of music in neurological disorders

During the last few decades, there have been major advances in mapping the brain networks that underlie our ability to perceive, experience, and produce music and how musical training can shape the…

From  John Sennett 43 plays 0  

Olivia Biermann spent 5 months in Nepal as part of her PhD project

Olivia Biermann is a PhD student at the Department of Public Health Sciences at KI. Her PhD project is part of the EU Horizon 2020-funded IMPACT TB that evaluates community-based tuberculosis…

From  Ida Monstedt 89 plays 0  

Rethinking Higher Education Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (Part 1)

Part 1 of the conference - Keynote lectures Modernizing higher education in the Agenda 2030 era Ole Petter Ottersen, Professor and President of Karolinska Institutet Partnering for impact on…

From  Sabina Bossi 129 plays 0  

Rethinking Higher Education Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (Part 2)

Reporting from workshops 1. Quality of governance2. Inequity and health3. Non-communicable diseases4. Antibiotic resistance5. Pollution, climate and health6. Fostering action for societal change7.…

From  Sabina Bossi 32 plays 0  

Rethinking Higher Education Inspired by the Sustainable Development Goals (Part 3)

Part 3 of the Conference - Panel discussions Moderator: Carl Johan Sundberg, Conference Chair, Professor, Head of Department of Learning, Informatics, Management and Ethics, Karolinska Institutet …

From  Sabina Bossi 24 plays 0