Summary The conversation revolves around the theme of the human dimensions of education. Cecilia Forssman discusses her reasons for participating in the Education Congress and the importance of…
Department name
UoL Type of film
Marketing material Spoken language
English Creative Commons license type
No Creative Commons license Closed Captions
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A guide from KI University Library on how to navigate among the many journals available for publishing articles – some of them questionable.
Department name
University Library Department section
University Library Type of film
Guide Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Karin Hägerbro Orrenius Name of the department
University Library Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Presenter: Dr. Christen Rachul Discussants: Prof. Martin Engebretsen, Prof. Jeff Bezemer In this talk, Christen Rachul will present previous research studies that use multimodal interaction analysis…
Department name
Teaching and learning Department section
Digital learning Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Marcus Emas Name of the department
Teaching and learning Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-SA Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Background: Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC) is a rare progressive liver disease
associated with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). There is a high risk for
development of cirrhosis and need of…
Department name
MedH Department section
Gastro Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Medicine Huddinge Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Association of white matter hyperintensity accumulation with domain-specific cognitive decline: a 15-year population-based studyBackground: White matter hyperintensities (WMHs) could partly account…
Department name
NVS Department section
NVS Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Neurobiology Care Sciences and Society Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Instrumental vacuum assisted delivery in obstructed labor – time for AI in the birth team Background: Operative assistance in late obstructed labor is a delicate mission. Emergency caesarean…
Department name
CLINTEC Department section
CLINTEC Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Clinical Science Intervention and Technology Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
MRI data-driven clustering reveals different subtypes of Dementia with Lewy bodiesBackground. Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterized by a wide heterogeneity of…
Department name
NVS Department section
Klinisk geriatrik Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Neurobiology Care Sciences and Society Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
KI has collaborated with companies, funders, healthcare and other partners for many years. Such collaborations usually require a research contract, which defines respective rights, obligations and…
Department name
University Administration Department section
Faculty Office and International Relations Type of film
Guide Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Kseniya Hartvigsson Name of the department
University Administration Creative Commons license type
No Creative Commons license Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
The Swedish government has an agreement with 7 regions for collaboration with medical faculty universities in order to contribute to clinical research and education. The film describes the importance…
Department name
University Administration Department section
Faculty Office and International Relations Type of film
Marketing material Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Kseniya Hartvigsson Name of the department
University Administration Creative Commons license type
No Creative Commons license Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Liver-specific deletion of the corepressor GPS2 alleviates atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia Atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease and a major cause of…
Department name
Department of Bioscience and Nutrition Department section
Department of Bioscience and Nutrition Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Biosciences and Nutrition Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Variability in perceived burden and health trajectories among older caregivers: a population-based study in Sweden Background: The extent to which caregivers incur the negative effects of …
Department name
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society Department section
Aging Research Center Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Neurobiology Care Sciences and Society Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Online reach and engagement of a child nutrition peer-education program (PICNIC): Insights from social media and web analytics Background: Parents frequently seek parental advice online and on…
Department name
Department of Biosciences and Nutrition Department section
Department of Biosciences and Nutrition Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Biosciences and Nutrition Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Long term effects of early age atcochlear implantation on metaphor comprehension and executive functions in Swedish teenagers Introduction: Acochlear implant(CI)is an advanced hearing aidgiving…
Department name
Department of clinical science, intervention and technology Department section
Department of clinical science, intervention and technology Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Clinical Science Intervention and Technology Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Comorbidity patterns inolder adults with atrial fibrillation: a Danish nationwide cohort study Introduction: Patients withatrial fibrillation (AF) often suffer frommultiple comorbiditiesthat…
Department name
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society Department section
Aging Research Center Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Neurobiology Care Sciences and Society Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
Diet-induced weight loss in obese/diabetic mice normalizes glucose metabolism and promotes functional recovery after stroke Background: Post-stroke functional recovery is severely impaired…
Department name
Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset Department section
NeuroCardioMetabol Group Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Clinical Science and Education Södersjukhuset Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)
PREDICTING BIOLOGICAL BRAIN AGE USING DEEP LEARNING METHODS Background:The interplay of genetic and environmental factors can trigger a cascade of neuropathological changes leading to…
Department name
Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society Department section
Division of Clinical Geriatrics, Center for Alzheimer Research Type of film
Research presentation Spoken language
English Name of person uploading the film
Amanda Klein Name of the department
Department of Neurobiology Care Sciences and Society Creative Commons license type
CC BY-NC-ND Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs Closed Captions
I have published CC (Closed Captions)