Search for tag: "uol"

Design för engagemang i hybrida lärmiljöer

Föreläsare: Nina Bergdahl, Fil. dr.

From  Marcus Emas 85 plays 0  

Internationalisation of the Curriculum and Global Health – How Are They Related?

In this video educational developer Karin Båge discusses the overlap between internationalisation of the curriculum and global health with Professor Michael Knipper of Geissen University in…

From  Karin Båge 28 plays 0  

Global Health Track

In this clip Michael Knipper describes the global health track of the medical programme in Geissen University, that he has developed and teaches.

From  Karin Båge 22 plays 0  

Think Global Teach Local

Michael Knipper of Geissen University discusses the five pillars of global health and that can inform and guide teaching of global health regardless of setting.

From  Karin Båge 215 plays 0  

Global Health Training

Michael Knipper from Geissen University in Germany discusses how global health training can include both going abroad as well as seeing opportunities at home.

From  Karin Båge 24 plays 0  

Intercultural Competences

KI educational developer Karin Båge and Professor Michael Knipper from Geissen University in Germany discuss the significance of intercultural competences for global health, as well as how…

From  Karin Båge 32 plays 0  

Presentation video ljudstudio Karolinska Institutet

Video (4:51) about the two studios, the Video and the Sound studio at the Karolinska Institutet Library Produced by: IKT-pedagogerna

From  Helen Gelin 146 plays 0