Search for tag: "pedagogik"

WISE Pro with Kamila Czene

Women in Science and Education, WISE 2024-06-03: WISE Pro with Professor Kamila Czene

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 0 plays 0  

WISE Pro with Maria Eriksson

Women in Science and Education, WISE 2022-12-05: WISE-pro with Maria Eriksson, Professor of Molecular Genetics, specialising in ageing at the Department of Biosciences and Nutrition

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 9 plays 0  

WISE Pro with Anna Mia Ekström

Women in Science and Education, WISE 2022-10-03: Interview with Professor Anna Mia Ekström, Clinical professor in infectious disease epidemiology at the Department of Global Public Health

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 4 plays 0  

WISE Pro with Kristina Gemzell Danielsson

Women in Science and Education, WISE 2023-02-21: WISE Pro with Kristina Gemzell Danielsson, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at the Department of Women's and Children's Health

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 5 plays 0  

Women in Science and Education (WISE) - Fang Fang

Women in Science and Education (WISE) 2022-03-28: Interview with Fang Fang, Professor of Epidemiology

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 6 plays 0  

Women in Science and Education (WISE) - Kristina Haugaa

Women in Science and Education, WISE 2022-05-23: Interview with Kristina Haugaa, Professor of cardiology

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 4 plays 0  

Women in Science and Education (WISE) - Eleni Aklillu

Women in Science and Education, WISE 2022-12-12: WISE-pro with Eleni Aklillu, Professor of Tropical Pharmacology at the Department of Laboratory Medicine (Labmed)

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 3 plays 0  

Women in Science and Education (WISE) - Elisabet Stener-Victorin

Women in Science and Education, WISE 2023-02-02: WISE-pro with Elisabet Stener-Victorin, Professor of Reproductive Endocrinology and Metabolism at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology (FyFa)

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 3 plays 0  

WISE Pro with Annika Östman Wernerson

Women in Science and Education, WISE 2023-05-23: WISE Pro with Annika Östman Wernerson, Professor of Kidney and Transplant Science at the Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and…

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 12 plays 0  

Design för engagemang i hybrida lärmiljöer

Föreläsare: Nina Bergdahl, Fil. dr.

From  Marcus Emas 89 plays 0  

Skapa engagemang i hybrid undervisning

Föreläsare: Nina Bergdahl

From  Marcus Emas 59 plays 0  

Att flippa klassrummet - vad menar vi?

From  Carina Bois 55 plays 0  

Case study: Flipping the Classroom, Audionomprogrammet.

Annica Hagerman Sirelius, Leg. audionom/universitetsadjunkt, studierektor, Enheten för audiologi Institutionen för klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik berättar om hur hon har…

From  Carina Bois 731 plays 0  

Undervisa tillgängligt, del 2

15 Nov 2015 Funktionsnedsättning och pedagogik Gästföreläsare: Ann-Sofie Henriksson, KTH Caroline Olsson, KI Annamia Eborn, KI s universitetsbibliotek

From 9 plays 0  

Undervisa tillgängligt, del 1

15 Nov 2015 Funktionsnedsättning och pedagogik Gästföreläsare: Ann-Sofie Henriksson, KTH Caroline Olsson, KI Annamia Eborn, KI s universitetsbibliotek

From 12 plays 0  

Kollaborera med en interaktiv whiteboardvägg

En introduktionsfilm som visar de pedagogiska möjligheterna med en whiteboardvägg

From  Eva Lorentzon 15 plays 0