Search for tag: "collaboration"

Hur man äter elefanten i små bitar – ett samtal om kursutveckling - Bites of Learning 2024-11-21

In English below.SammanfattningWebbinariet fokuserar på utvecklingen av en medicinsk kurs och belyser de samarbeten som ägt rum mellan de involverade lärarna. Det tar upp…

From  Samuel Lundberg 57 plays 0  

Lars Frelin on the Educational Congress 2024

SummaryLars Frelin believes that the theme "exploring human dimensions of education" highlights the importance of understanding the personal, social, and emotional aspects of education,…

From  Samuel Lundberg 22 plays 0  

Nicholson lecture 2022 - Michel C. Nussenzweig

Nicholson lecture 2022 - Michel C. Nussenzweig

From  Mia Bjerke 29 plays 0  

Research Contracts & Agreements

KI has collaborated with companies, funders, healthcare and other partners for many years. Such collaborations usually require a research contract, which defines respective rights, obligations and…

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 57 plays 0  

Collaboration between Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm

The Swedish government has an agreement with 7 regions for collaboration with medical faculty universities in order to contribute to clinical research and education. The film describes the importance…

From  Kseniya Hartvigsson Hartvigsson 65 plays 0  

Karolinska Institutet Psychology Speaker Series - Daniel Kahneman 220215

A Conversation with Daniel Kahneman

From  Elin Uddenstig 153 plays 0  


Research is increasingly a team-only endeavor, and teams grow and cross disciplinary boundaries to address complex scientific questions and societal problems. How do you bridge cultural,…

From  Vladimir Pabón-Martínez 15 plays 0  

Strategiskt partnerskap

Strukturerad samverkan mellan akademin och det omgivande samhället.

From  Johanna Bylund 29 plays 0  

Hur ska svensk life science leva upp till ambitionerna?

Samarbete mellan akademin, näringslivet och politiken för ökad innovationskraft och implementering stod i fokus vid Karolinska Institutets seminarium i Almedalen på tisdagen.…

From  Johanna Bylund 90 plays 0  

Director-General of the WHO visited Karolinska Institutet

Director-General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, visited Karolinska Institutet on April 9. During the visit, an open seminar was arranged with Dr. Tedros, President of KI Ole Petter…

From  Johanna Bylund 179 plays

Kaltura MediaSpace Overview

An out of the box social video portal for your organization - MediaSpace enables collaboration, communication, and learning by leveraging the power of online video. Watch this video to learn how.

From  __ADMIN__36734 13 plays 0  

Kaltura Enterprise Video Solutions

Learn how you can save time and costs with online video. Train and educate staff and create a learning center to preserve company knowledge. Kaltura integrates with all leading LMS platforms, as well…

From  2 plays 0