Search for tag: "instruction"

How to discard chemicals in BioClinicum

This movie will instruct you how to discard chemicals in BioClinicum. You will learn were to find the information you need in KLARA and how to pack and label your waste chemicals before you sending…

From  Paula Mannström 214 plays 0  

Service in BioClinicum

Instruction movie for service in BioClinicum at theme Cancer

From  Paula Mannström 246 plays 0  

Recycling in BioClinicum.mp4

Do you need information on how to recycle in BioClinicum? Watch this movie!

From  Paula Mannström 131 plays 0  

Cornell Uni: Scaling the Video Infrastructure

Michael Tolomeo, Instructional Media Manager, shares how video usage at Cornell University evolved over time. From transcoding all videos in-house to outsourcing it to Kaltura in order to scale…

From  2 plays 0  

Create a channel

How to create a channel in KI Play

From  Carina Bois 5 plays 0