Search for tag: "culture"

June 10th 2024 mini symposium Your Brain on Art; How the Arts Transform Us with Susan Magsamen

Susan Magsamen is the founder and executive director of the International Arts + Mind Lab (IAM Lab), Center for Applied Neuroaesthetics, a pioneering neuroaesthetics initiative from the Pedersen…

From  John Sennett 37 plays 0  

Brain and Culture Lecture May 23rd 2024: Is music “special” as a cue for autobiographical memories? Exploring the how and why with Kelly Jakubowski, Durham University

Many people think that music is particularly powerful or unique as a cue for bringing back memories from our lives. Empirical research has partially supported this idea, by showing that music can…

From  John Sennett 9 plays 0  

April 29th 2024 International Dance Day at Kulturhuset

A celebration of Dance Day with an International perspective and Dance Health; an exclusive afternoon with Dance, art, and research. International experts in Dance Health, performance, and…

From  John Sennett 53 plays 0  

Launch of the Jacob Berzelius exhibition at Karolinska Institutet December 2023

A new exhibition showcasing the life and work of the great Swedish scientist Jacob Berzelius (1779-1848) was inaugurated at Karolinska Institutet in December 2023.Jacob Berzelius' life and…

From  John Sennett 63 plays 0  

KI Culture Day 2023: "The Power of Words: a presentation of KI authors and their work"

Welcome to KI Culture Day 2023, where we will discuss and showcase current fiction and popular science books by authors affiliated with Karolinska Institutet. The day will also feature an immersive…

From  John Sennett 19 plays 0  

KI Culture Day 2022: Pro-Creation in Science & Art

KI Culture day 2022 took place at Medicinska föreningen (MF) Lectures "Love, art, science" Stefan Arver "Beyond oneness; women and their microflora". pre…

From  John Sennett 10 plays 0  

Culture and Brain Lecture with Hanna Poikonen September 2023

In this talk, Hanna Poikonen covers her EEG research made with professional dancers and musicians in laboratory and theater contexts through event-related potential and phase synchrony analyses. In…

From  John Sennett 51 plays 0  

Culture & Brain lecture: music interventions in health care with Kira Vibe Jespersen

Biography Kira Vibe Jespersen, PhD, is MSc in psychology with an additional BA in Music Therapy. She holds a PhD in health sciences from Aarhus University, where she is now Assistant Professor at…

From  John Sennett 9 plays 0  

The role of the arts in improving health with Karen Mak, University College London, February 2023

This presentation will be showing the most recent evidence from population-based surveys on the health impacts of the arts, with a focus on the potential long-term benefits of arts engagement, who…

From  John Sennett 9 plays 0  

Culture and brain Lecture with Judith Ockely "Lifetime musical experience and healthy ageing"

Maj 5:e 2023 Lifetime musical experience and healthy ageing med Judith Okely från Edinburgh Napier University, UK Identifying modifiable lifestyle factors that promote independence and…

From  John Sennett 13 plays 0  

KI Culture Day 2021 "Lose Yourself in Dance Art & Science in Motion"

KI Culture Day 2021 "Lose Yourself in Dance Art & Science in Motion" took place at MF on November 10th KI President Ole Petter Ottersen introduces the afternoon by discussing the…

From  John Sennett 137 plays 0  

Etikseminarium: Historiska minnesmärken och namngivning i ljuset av nutida värderingar (2 feb 2021)

Black lives matter-rörelsen satte åter fingret på en fråga som då och då nått upp till ytan för att sedan sjunka undan igen: Hur bör vi idag…

From  Sara Aldén 89 plays 0  

KI Culture Day 2020 — Malady and melody communicating health and disease through arts, music and science

KI Kulturdagen 2020 — Malady and melody communicating health and disease through arts, music and science. Due to the Corona virus pandemic, KI Culture Day 2020 was held online.

From  John Sennett 42 plays 0  

KI Culture and Creativity Day 2019: Illusionist Tom Stone 2019

Illusionist Tom Stone together with Karin Jensen (KI/CNS) on bodies, perception and movement

From  Sara Aldén 9 plays 0  

KI Culture and Creativity Day 2019: Dancing in the dark & uMove (full)

Dancing in the dark & uMove together with Erika Franzén (KI/NVS) and Tanja Tomson (KI/LIME)

From  Sara Aldén 14 plays 0  

KI Culture and Creativity Day 2019: Flix & Corpus

Musical entertainment by MF’s Flix & Corpus

From  Sara Aldén 6 plays 0